Running the pipeline

Executing tasks

The execution of the tasks follows the same as other Luigi tasks, using each of the provided modules to execute one of the defined steps of the analysis.

Secuence retrieval

Retrieving the secuencing is a step that takes into account wether the experiment is paired end, or the sources are gz compressed.

Several options can be configured for selecting the source for the exome sequences:

  • The origin of the files

  • Wether the files are compressed

  • Wether the experiment is paired end

Different sources can be set, in which case the one used for retrieving will be the following:

  1. Files accessible localy

  2. Files specified by the NCBI accession number.

  3. External sources set by their url


This task will fail along with the upstream tasks if the quality report is selected but Fastqc is not installed.

In the case of using the NCBI accession number, the compressed is ignored as it is already handled with the fastq-dump tool from the Sra toolkit.


This task will fail along with the upstream tasks if the accession number is used but Sra toolkit is not installed.

The execution of this step with all the posible parameters is the following:

luigi --module wespipeline.fastq GetFastq \
   --GetFastq-paired-end true \
   --GetFastq-compressed true \
   --GetFastq-fastq1-local-file ./experiment_1.fastq.gz \
   --GetFastq-fastq2-local-file ./experiment_2.fastq.gz \
   --GetFastq-accession_number SRRXXXXXX
   --GetFastq-fastq1-url ftp.archive.x/exp/exome_1.fastq.gz \
   --GetFastq-fastq2-url ftp.archive.x/exp/exome_2.fastq.gz


Eventhough parameters for the selected task GetFastq can be set directly, it is encourage to prepend the task name in order to keep the call consistent and distinguish them from parameters set to other tasks.


Note that GloablParams is used for setting common pipeline wide parameters.

This task is used required by the Align task. If the secuences are available locally, set the fastqx-local-file parameter to the correspondent path; for instance, for a set of fastq files relative to the current directory that don’t require to be uncompressed the following command would be used:

luigi --module wespipeline.fastq GetFastq \
   --GetFastq-paired-end true \
   --GetFastq-fastq1-local-file ./experiment_1.fastq \
   --GetFastq-fastq2-local-file ./experiment_2.fastq

Reference genome retrieval

The reference genome, essential for more steps than the alignment, may be obtained in 2bit format (and then converted to fa).

Secuence alignment

Aligning the secuencing against the reference genome is a process that produces a not sorted, nor indexed, sam file.

Alignment processing

Processing the alignment includes sorting, indexing and removing duplicates from the original alignment. In the end, it produces a bam and bai file.

Variant calling

Variants can be obatined with different tools; each of which depends in the reference genome retrieval (wespipeline.reference.ReferenceGenome) and the align processing step (wespipeline.processalign.AlignProcessing).

The desired tools to be used are specified as boolean parameters, from a total of five eligible:

  • Platypus

  • Freebayes

  • DeepVariant

  • Gatk

  • Samtools


DeepVariant requires Docker to be installed. Additionally, it needs the Python Docker package for Luigi to interact with it; this last one is a dependency specified in the package, so it will be automatically installed if wespipeline is installed with a package manager.

An example for using DeepVariant on reference genome, and bam files located in the current directory would be the following:

python3 -m luigi --module wespipeline.vcf VariantCalling
--VariantCalling-use-deepvariant True  \
--VariantCalling-cpus 2  \
--ReferenceGenome-reference-local-file hg19.fa  \
--AlignProcessing-no-dup-bam-local-file hg19_nodup.bam  \
--AlignProcessing-no-dup-bai-local-file hg19_nodup.bam.bai  \
--GlobalParams-exp-name hg19  \
--GlobalParams-base-dir .  \
--GlobalParams-log-dir . \

Variant calling evaluation

Variant calling comparation and estatistical summaries for the variants identifyed.

Global vs task specific parameters

Luigi provides a convenient way to expose a task’ parameters both for Python code task instancetiating, and command line usage. The modular approach taken for the design of the pipeline

Whole analysis example

The following command allows to execute the pipeline for…

nohup python3.6 -m luigi --module wespipeline.vcf_analysis VariantCallingAnalysis \
--workers 3 \
--VariantCalling-use-platypus true \
--VariantCalling-use-freebayes true \
--VariantCalling-use-samtools false \
--VariantCalling-use-gatk false \
--VariantCalling-use-deepcalling false \
--AlignProcessing-cpus 6 \
--FastqAlign-cpus 6 \
--FastqAlign-create-report True \
--GetFastq-gz-compressed True \
_HiSeq_Exome/NIST7035_TAAGGCGA_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
--GetFastq-fastq2-url \
--GetFastq-from-ebi False \
--GetFastq-paired-end True \
--ReferenceGenome-ref-url \ --ReferenceGenome-from2bit True \
--GlobalParams-base-dir ./tfm_experiment \
--GlobalParams-log-dir .logs \
--GlobalParams-exp-name hg19 &