
Python dependencies

Wespipeline depends on an existing installation of the library Luigi. If this package was installed following the recomended steps, this dependency should be fulfilled.

External dependencies

Whole exome sequencing variant calling analysis needs for external programs for doing both the processing, and the analysis and summaries. Following is a list of the different dependencies.

Optionally, some type of database is needed for making use of the persistent storage of executions. In the configuration proposed, is used.

Even though pip packages dependencies are resolved upon installation, third party tools are not. These extra dependencies are not compulsary for all executions of the pipeline, but depend on the parameters and tasks selected.

Each of the dependencies correspond to a specific need in one or more of the steps, and thus are organized in that manner bellow.

  • Secuence retrieval : Sra Toolkit, Fastqc

  • Reference genome retrieval : No needed dependency

  • Secuence alignment : Bwa

  • Alignment processing : Bwa Samtools,

  • Variant calling : Freebayes, Varscan, Gatk, Deepvariant

  • Variant calling evaluation : Vcf tools

Installing through Anaconda distributions

Even though most of the programs listed can be installed through various different ways, I encourage the use of the Anaconda Distribution, one of the biggest platforms for installing the tools from well trusted sources. Optionally, Miniconda can be used too for a lighter version of the package manager.

Installing miniconda is a simple task. Following an example installation for a x64 linux machine:

wget -O ~/miniconda.
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda && rm ~/
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"

Beware that, in order for the utilities and installed packages to be accessible the environment must be activated:

source $HOME/miniconda/bin/activate

The package archive is distributed through different channels, two of which are needed for the installation of these packages. Easier than specifying the channel for each command is adding the channels:

conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge

Installing from the repositories is a simple task doable through one-liner commands. Following is an elaborated list of the installation commands for all of the external depenedencies listed above, and a command for instaling them together:

Installing Samtools

conda install -y samtools

Installing Bwa

conda install -y bwa

Installing Picard

conda install -y picard

Installing Platypus

conda install -y platypus-variant

Installing Varscan

conda install -y varscan

Installing Freebayes

conda install -y freebayes

Installing VCFtools

conda install -y vcftools

Installing Fastqc

conda install -y fastqc

Installing Sra Toolkit

conda install -y sra-tools

Installing all dependencies with a single command:

wget -O ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"
source $HOME/miniconda/bin/activate && \
    conda config --add channels bioconda && \
    conda config --add channels conda-forge && \
    conda install -y samtools && \
    conda install -y bwa && \
    conda install -y picard && \
    conda install -y platypus-variant && \
    conda install -y varscan && \
    conda install -y freebayes && \
    conda install -y vcftools && \
    conda install -y gatk && \
    conda install -y vt

rm ~/